Saturday, 26 December 2015

Wait on the Lord

Hello friends,

We need to know God has a very good and better plan then what we imagine for your life.

"For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes." (Deuteronomy 10:17).

Sometimes we want to wait until everything is perfect before we start to do anything, but I have found that if we simply start where we are, with what we have, when we can, then God in His bigness is well able to compensate for any of our smallness.

The scripture says : "Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD." Psalm 27:14

Now that is good news!

Lets just obey the word of God and wait upon him for in the right time, He will fulfill of hearts desire. Amen :)

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

Our God is bigger

Hello friends,

I know every single person has problems in there life, some or the other problems. But the interesting part is how will we take care and solve our problems?. Some problems cannot be fixed by our own strength but with the help of someone else we can fix it.

What if no one on earth can help us fix the problem? On whom will we put of hope?
Answer for the above question is : JESUS

Jesus our lord is a creator of earth and is king of kings, Amen

Scripture says : "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ... Matthew 11:28 

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He will help in fixing any kind of issues in our life. He is the Great good god. Hallelujah :)

The Scripture also says  :
"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

Your God is bigger than any challenge you are facing. Our problems that seem so overwhelming will grow small in the light of His greatness. Last time I checked, the devil was small enough to fit under my feet and God is big enough to fill the heavens and earth.

Be encouraged today that our God is well able to do all things! Just focus on Him and His promises.

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Declare God is with you

Father, I know you are with me in times of heart broken, troubles, suffering, loneliness. Lord, take over my life and use me for your glory alone. Forgive me for what I have done and I believe lord you will straighten things in my life. For you the God of Gods, King of Kings, Heal my broken life and use me for your glory alone lord.

In Jesus name, Amen

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Christmas is all about Jesus


Enjoy this Christmas song, Love it : - Rend Collective - Joy To The World (You Are My Joy)

Christmas is all about our Lord Jesus, who was born for us and he lived for us.

We sometime get to know that Christmas is all about new things, New dresses, New paintings at home, New Gifts, New Looking, New experience and more..

But Christmas is all about Christ. If it wasn't Jesus who came to earth as a Baby, we will have no Christmas. There will no Santa clause, No Reindeer, No snow toys, No giving, No taking, No celebrations. It would have been a normal day for us and we all will be busy doing our day assignment.

Our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth to bless us and to save us. he has stored an amazing things for us and he came to give us those things. God doesn't belong to earth, his home is heaven. He came to earth to meet us his children and bless us with abundant life.

The day he came to earth in a form of a Baby and he choose to be born in a manger. People didn't rejoice for his birth, but Angels and animals rejoicing him, stars and sun praising him. Amen

So lets stop thinking that Christmas is something which we should enjoy with the worldly desire the whole day, instead lets enjoy Jesus. let us count the miracles he has done for us, let us imagine our future blessings in Jesus name.

This time preach the good news of Jesus. Hallelujah
Christmas is only for the true followers of Jesus, Amen

Lets celebrate Christmas and obey Jesus Christ. Hallelujah

God bless you all my friends,
Raju paul

Bless the Lord, O my soul

Worship Jesus :

Psalm 103:1. - "Bless the Lord, O my Soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name." Psalm 103:1

Oh Bless the Lord, O my soul.

Our God is an Awesome God, Amen

He Protects us
He Blesses us
He heals us
He comforts us
He does miracles for us
He loves us
HE DIED FOR US!. Amen, Thank you Jesus

So lets bless the lord, the all mighty God and a Miracle working God. Hallelujah

God loves us has no condition and his love never fails. Amen :) :)

God bless you all my friends,
Raju Paul

God has a purpose for us


Hello friends,

God has called us with a purpose.. The more we go closer to God, the more God blesses us with his unfailing love. He gave his own life for us and he died for us, for our sins. Even now, he is waiting for us to return to him leaving behind all the things which belongs to earth.

We are his children and we should obey his every word,.
We should not depend on our own plans, we fail in it sometimes because we do not have a favor of God in our plan. Let us concentrate on Gods plan for our life because he has an amazing, Unfailing plans for us. Amen
Scripture says -
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

We also know that all things work for Good when we are with God and obey his word.
Scripture says -
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

So my friends, Lets surrender our self and step forward to receive the blessings which is stored for us. Amen

Give God the glory. Hallelujah

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul  

Friday, 18 December 2015

Oh i Exalt thee father

Kim Walker-Smith - I Exalt Thee - YouTube

Father we exalt thee, we lift you up.

We belong to you alone father, I love you forever. Amen :)


We are blessed

Hello friends,

Yes! God has blessed us a lot.

God wants to bless us so that we can be a blessing to others. There are so many ways that God can bless us: marriage, family, degree, satisfying career, nice house and car, great friends, good health, spiritual well-being and the list goes on.

We all enjoy being blessed, but we must remember that we cross a subtle line when these things become ends in themselves and Jesus becomes the means to these ends.

The end goal of our life as Christ followers is to be conformed and transformed to His image and to live the life He has purposed for us, not to use God to give us what we think we want or need. When God does indeed bless us, then we must always remember that we are blessed to be a blessing.
There truly is great joy found in blessing others!

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35)

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Set Your mind on things above.

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:2).

Hello friends,
We need to set our minds on things above not on the things on earth.

God has given us everything we need, people who say God hasn't blessed me. well! God has blessed you atleast with Food, clothing and shelter.

We shouldn't complain on the things below and we shouldn't say I don't have what I need.

We need to focus and set our mind on things above which is eternal, we get disappointed her on earth if we don't have what we need.

We sometimes worry about things like a we don't have a good job, a better house, a vehicle and others things on earth. We need to worry about what we have saved in heaven. Amen

we don’t realize we have the ability to choose what we think. Yet Scripture exhorts us to set our minds on things above and not on earthly things. This doesn’t mean that negative thoughts won’t enter our minds; if that were the case, there would be no need to consciously choose to set our minds on the thoughts of God.

This is why it is so important to read and meditate on the Word of God – so that we always know what is true.

God has a plan for us and he will surely do what he says.

As the scriptures say : Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Praise Jesus, Hallelujah

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

God will Forgive us.

Hello Friends,

Praise be to the Lord Jesus.

Psalm 79:9 

"Help us, God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name's sake."

One of the most important things to remember about running our race and finishing our course is that we all fail at times. Everyone stumbles and falls (unless of course we are perfect!). Some of us, however, make the mistake of not getting back up and continuing to run.

If we trip and fall in a race, we are not disqualified; we are only out of the race if we don’t get back up and carry on! One of the greatest schemes of the enemy is to fool us into thinking that because we’ve fallen, we are no longer fit to run in God’s race. That’s just wrong!

God never gives up on us. He is the God of second chances, third chances, fourth chances and so on. No matter what mistake we have made, we can still finish our race!

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

Sunday, 13 December 2015

You are Loved

Greetings my friends,

Worship Jesus with this song :


Whose love do you prefer? Human or God?

Do we really know where does Love comes from/?

Well, It is God who created us with Love.

We need to Love our creator, not the creation.

God has created human so that they love each other and be in peace.

Scripture says "The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."  - Mark 12:31

We need to love our Creator Jesus Christ, we see people who love there house, car, property, money and many other which belongs to earth, which is created by God.

We should know how to make God happy rather than making people.

Scripture says "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." - 1 John 4:8

This verse is meaningful and you can understand that without Love you cannot go reach God.

Here is the greatest Love of our Lord Jesus, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  - John 3:16

My friends, we need to love one another like Jesus did, expect miracles and obey Gods command. Amen

Praise God,
Raju Paul

Saturday, 12 December 2015

For my thoughts are not your thoughts - says Jesus

Worship Jesus with this song :

Oh yes, His thoughts are not our thoughts, what a wonderful words by God. Amen

You can read the above words by God in the image, read it for more than 10 times.

Meditate on it and just think about what God said.

I feel excited for what God says "My thoughts are not your thoughts" Praise Jesus

 We think and sometimes say "No I cant do it and it is impossible with me" well, read the word of God in the image. I promise you God has an awesome plan for us my friends.

 He is thinking completely different and way beyond what we cant even imagine. All we need to do is Believe his Word and obey his Word.

I'm telling you, "Stop saying I Cant do it and say My God will do it for me" Hallelujah :)

I'm Happy for my God is awesome and powerful in everything. Praise Jesus the only God, Amen

God bless you all my friends.

All things are from God

Worship Jesus in this song :

Hello Friends,

Praise The Lord.
 I hope you people are doing good by the Grace of God, I'm here to tell you that Everything is from God and we belong to him alone.

Well, when we see the sky we wonder where the sky ends and where does it start. No human knows about it except God. Amen
And yes we wonder who is on the other planets and want is going to happen later on Earth, I say everything is decided and is already written by God.

God writes our Life script and you will walk just like what it is written for you by God, God has a better plan for us.

Here I am to tell that All things belong to God, we sometimes create or discover an amazing things which is made by us our own hands. We don't even think from where are we getting it, We get it from God.

He is giving us Knowledge, wisdom, strength and he gives us what we really need.

God has blessed us with an unexpected grace and happiness.

We need to please God just by obeying his word. Amen

 All things is from him and whatever we do from it, it belongs to him alone. He deserves the Glory. Amen :)

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Obey Ten commandments.

Obey the Ten commandments and expect a place in Heaven. Amen :) :)

Like God gave a mission to Moses he has a Mission for us aswell.
God has set before each of us an exciting and world-changing mission. He wants to work in us, so that He can work through us. We can trust Him! After all, He can move mountains.

“… I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations.” (Ezekiel 38:23)

God starts at Impossible.

 Hello friends,  Hope my blessed friends are doing good. :) Well! sometimes we get into a decision and say I cannot do that or that is highly impossible for me. I used to think that and sometimes even now, but when I went the the Scripture. Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)  It is really important to meditate on the above scripture which Jesus replied, he is clearly saying that I can do anything and everything. When we walk with Jesus, he will do great and wonderful things which is impossible for us.  God always starts with Impossible!  God bless you, Paul  God Starts At Impossible

Monday, 30 November 2015

Go for Godly things.

Hello friends, 

Essentially, there are two perspectives through which we can view every situation in life. One is the “heavenly”; the other is “worldly.”

Did you know that we have the power to transition our thinking out of the worldly perspective and into a heavenly one?

This isn’t always easy at first. It takes practice and commitment to change your default mindset. That’s why it is so critical to spend time in God’s Word daily, meditating on the truth it contains, rather than the facts of our current circumstances. We need to immerse our minds in His Word so we can quickly recall these principles during difficult moments or challenging seasons.

When we are fueled by God’s Word, our thoughts inevitably become governed by His truth, and this truth causes us to be internally transformed. It has an incredible effect on our actions and responses to people and circumstances. We begin to analyze situations from a heavenly perspective and react accordingly. It’s amazing what the appropriate response can do in a seemingly hopeless situation.

This is why the truth of God’s Word has the power to change the facts of our circumstances.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

God bless you my friends. 

Sunday, 29 November 2015


Hello my friends,

Our Salvation is only through our God Jesus. Amen :)

God bless you my friends.


Hello Friends,

Read the post and let us get United, to have the REVIVAL.!! :) :) Amen

God bless you my friends.

My friends,
Oh yes there is an awaking going on and you know that.

 We all know that Miracles are happening, Disasters are happening, People around you are preaching the word, You bypass the people of God, You see the word of God somehow, somewhere.

We think why is this happening, why do we have to change our happy life and give it to God, We might say My life right now is awesome cause I have what I need and more than I need.

 Well, The things which you have right now is not allowed in Heaven, You should throw them to get the things which is stored for us in Heaven.

We shouldn't be behind the Creations instead follow the Creator God and The son Jesus. Amen :)

Wakeup and go get the souls to God.

 God bless you all. :)

We are appointed to bring SOULS.

Yes my friends, 
The abundant life is already stored for us by God, all we need to do is follow his commands and glorify him in everything we do. God don't think has we think, God has a different mindset and the plans which he has for us, we even cant imagine that.

God has a power to change our life completely and strength to give us eternal life, He has stored in the best for us.

Heaven is our place not earth, we are living on earth for a temporary purpose to preach the word of God.
We are the representatives of God most high, he has appointed us to bring souls into his kingdom.

Our aim is one, that is to bring the lost souls to Jesus and give them the place they deserve. Amen

 Prayer is the key for everything, Prayer is a direct contact to God. Amen

God bless you all my friends.

God has a Plan for you!

Hello My Friends,

The sentence in the picture is true and he is doing something for us. You might have lost the people you love or they might have left you for some reason. The Lord who created the heaven and the earth will never forsake you.

 As we know Apostle Peter betrayed Jesus not once but 3 times, Jesus Christ stand still and didn't even say a word. We need to understand that even though we go away from him or betray him cause of people. Jesus will never leave us my friends.

 Our God has a plan for everyone on earth, He has chosen us before we were born.
We as a follower of Jesus, need to know the Good things that God has stored in for us. We sometimes fall apart without realizing that God is next to us and watching over us. God is with us not only when we are depressed, even till the very end of our life. God makes a fair decision for our soul.

God bless you all. Amen :

Hello friends,
Here I am to share the word of God once again.

Well, today I saw the moon in Bangalore was Yellow in color. I wonder what is happening to the moon or on the sky.

Our Father controls the whole universe and the things in it, We get panicked cause of the things which we see or un-expected things.
We as a humans may have the knowledge and power to change the earth by improving the living life but we doesn't have the power to change the things in sky.
God knows what has happened, what is happening and what will happen in the future.

Do not fear for our God can change the complete Space and galaxy vice-verse, How to get rid of the fear? Well, the simple answer for it is OUR GOD IS GREATER THAN ANYTHING!.

So relax and share the word of God, Our God is an awesome God. Amen :)
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Saturday, 20 June 2015

Cover yourself with Faith.

Hello Friends, 
I am doing Good and hope you all are doing good by the grace of God. As Christians we have to follow the commands that are provided by God and obey them as well. Few people are Christians but don't follow the commands of God, lose there Faith like a seed which fall on the rocky ground. We need to get the Faith which is needed to breakdown the meeting with Satan and concentrate on God. We are growing everyday, days are adding on and we are getting old. Even though we are old enough but we are young masters in God, cause we don't care about the worldly things but we care about the God who created us. Friends, who haven't encountered with God. You got to decide to get into the encounter with Jesus Christ son of God, so how will u find him?. The answer Is The Word of God. We need to be overwhelmed with the word of God and the Holy Spirit. We need to search for the Same Faith where in Abraham, Moses, Daniel, David, Paul, Joseph, Peter and many other God chosen prophets had. We should explore the Faith and find a blessings and favor which comes through Faith. 
God bless you all my wonderful friends, In Jesus name. Amen 😃

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Feed your Spirit.

Hello Friends, 
Here is a small encouraging message for us. 

Feed your Spirit : 

Jacob was promised by Laban that after
working for 7 years he would receive
as his bride but after the wedding night he
realized he was conned and instead of
he was given Leah. Before you receive
desire, sometimes you are given a
disappointment. Before you receive what
want, life may first give you what you don't
want. What do you do when life gives you a
Leah instead of a Rachel? What do you do
when men break their promises? What do
you do when people you trusted betray you
and breaks your heart? What do you do
you expected a big yes but life gives you a
cold No? Jacob never gave up, he never
complained, he did not become bitter but he
said, "I accept the situation but I will still
pursue my Rachel, I will go after what I
wanted at first" That is the attitude of a
winner. Make a decision not to give in to
disappointments but pursue the desires of
your life. Follow after your vision. Put the
Leah behind you and go after the Rachel!Be
blessed as you go after your Rachel.
Never give up keep PUSHing ( pray until something happens). 

Feed your spirit with blessing And hope upon the Lord Jesus. 

God bless you all abundantly, IN JESUS NAME. Amen 

Saturday, 6 June 2015

God who Deliver

Hello Friends, 
I hope all my friends are doing good by the Grace of God, God bless you all. Okay now I love the picture and the word on it, isn't it a wonderful picture?. God created the world by doing amazing and unbelievable things, he was still doing while there were so many prophets and kings. Great miracles in the life of Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Solomon, Daniel and many more people who lived on earth. Even when Lord Jesus came to earth, there were an amazing spirit of God and Miracles on earth. Even when Jesus rised from death and was taken to heaven, there were apostles who performed miracles on earth in the name of Jesus. Everyone on earth wish for a miracle an amazing moment in there life and that's true, we really need a miracle. But we need to know in what we need a miracle, some wish they have a good house, an expensive car, a healthy life and many things which belong to earth. When we expect a miracle from God, it has to be a gain for others around us. At first we have to pray for poor for there needs, as the scriptures say "The kingdom belong to them", we clearly understand that praying and helping poor will lead us to heaven without a trail. When Lord Jesus came to earth he didn't born in a palace, and when Jesus went to preach the word. He was in seek for poor people, he healed them and took them closer, hugged them and forgive there sins. It is very important for us to understand how serious is to help poor people to get into heaven. He will deliver us when we pray for others, very importantly for poor. The God who delivered Abraham, Moses and Daniel, will surely deliver us. In Jesus name every chain will break and be delivered. Amen

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Overcoming God

Hello Friends, 
Here is what I found the picture and the word of God in it, it is beautiful. And the content in it says the very true words which will save your life when you are lost. God said "I will never leave you nor forgave you" and also said "my grace is sufficient for you". So that is a promise from God for us, when he says it he will deliver it. Just think for a second, from the time we are born and till now. There are so many miracles and wonders which we have received from our Father JESUS, he clearly said "I know what I plan for you and your future". Jesus is assuring us that he will live with us until the very end of the world, yes the end will be soon and get prepared to meet the father who comes amazingly with a large crowd of angels to pick us up to heaven.Everyone who is facing bad times in there life, I tell you in Jesus name you will receive something good something which is unimaginable a very true blessings from God. Your bad times just disappears and good times make your life so happy like never you had. So keep calm and submit the situation to God, he is still with us as he promised. All we need to say is "Thank you Lord for your unconditional Love and I will never leave you cause you are my King". 
Boldly confess that "Jesus, maker of my destiny". 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Hug by God

Hello Friends, 
The love that never fails, the grace that is unstoppable, the blessing that is overflowing and the God who is with us forever Amen. Well, Make a step forward holding Faith in your hand when u r out of hope. Our Lord Jesus is with us I mean he is with us forever, Amen. If you want know whether if God is with you, touch your pulse so that says your alive today. Isn't that by the Grace of God? Yes it is, because when u see around the world there are people who are losing there lives in everyday life. And there is no point in living for the things in the world, when you lose your life and go to hell. God is giving us a new life everyday that's because he want us to change our life and live Holy. He gave his own life for us to forgive our sins because we should get into heaven, not only few in the world but every human must be in heaven. He is for us waiting to meet and bless us with unfailing love, we have our eternal life in Heaven. A hug from our Lord Jesus will make us so happy and that's we are in heaven, make sure you don't miss the love of God. 
Love of God, repeat it, Love of God. Amen :) 

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Jesus my commander

Here is my word for today. 
As we know that Jesus son of God is with us, we still worry about worldly things. We lose our Faith and tend to worry, depress ourself. Though we know that we don't belong to this world, our home is in Heaven, we make ourself fit to live on earth. God is assuring us stating that he has Golden roads and homes, we still try want to live rich and enjoy our life. What is there when we lose our soul to hell and gain the world. No one can live forever but in Christ we live alive forever, Amen. Our sorrow will turn into Joy when we let God mend it, we need to focus on the living eternal water than the water in earth which gets dry in sunshine. When we were yet sinners, he still died for our sake for our sins to cleanse us from our dark worthless living. What so ever happens in our life, good or bad just Praise his Holy name. Do not worry, The scripture says "In a due time you will reap the Good fruit". It says in a due time, so now you need to know that the scripture clearly says everything is decided in God's timings. We just need to wait for his timings and keep praising him when our blessings are on our way. We should grow rich in God and surrender to him completely, so the Lord will surely open all the door closed doors. 

Have a blessed month ahead, Amen 

Friday, 29 May 2015

Keep Calm and Carry On

Hello Friends, 
Well, the picture says Keep calm and carry on. That's true, We just need to keep calm and carry on. We know we have a God who knows us when we were in our mothers womb, we also know that Jesus is the true God. When things change, you don't have to change according to them cause you are the conqueror in Jesus. Act and defeat your problems and suffering, you have the power to break them and to win over the obstacles. Scripture says - Even though I walk through the valley of darkness, I feel no fear. God is with you in your life journey so just keep walking around the problems and get through to the end of success. God said - I want you to prosper and be successful, when God can promise you that he will prosper you then you don't have anything to worry about. Thank lord Jesus for he is our King, his love for us will never fails. So remember and say to the obstacles "I will keep calm and carry on in Jesus name" Amen. 

Praise Jesus

Hello Friends, 
Here I am once again to share the word of God with you all. God has his own time and plan to pour blessings in our life, Beleive in Jesus. Prophet Daniel was Praising God even though he knew that some people was against him, he praised and thanked God everyday. Even when he was taken down and put in the lions den, he was still Praising God. He knew that God will help him in the midst of Lions, he was Sitting in the midst of lions and started Praising. The hungry lions didn't even approach him cause there was angels surrounding Daniel. We need to have the same Faith and Praise God even when we go through obstacles  or our time is worst. We got to Praise him when we are on our way or through troubles cause we know at the end we will be succeed. Keep praising God until the next door opens and believe that when the next door opens, it will the greatest blessing in your life. Praise him when the sun raises and Glorify his name when the sun goes down. Amen 

Win The Good Fight.

Friends, Our everyday life is a fight against the things of God. You know that we don't live in a Godly world and there are so many ways we tend to loose our stand in God. I tell you that We are in a fight and fighting in the dark against the power of darkness of this world, the thing is we don't give up cause CHRIST is on our side. We will fight a good fight and win the battle at last, never get tired of doing good things. We need to gather as oneness to win the battle, the scripture clearly says "let Thousands cover you all around, do not be afraid for the Lord God is with us" Amen. Now let's get it straight, we will fight a good fight and win the battle. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Stay like the Salt and Light.

Friends, we need to know that there are so many things in this world that is against God, That is why the scripture say BE THE SALT AND LIGHT OF THE WORLD. We got to shine for God without any hinderence and make sure we will live according to his scriptures. FYI the Angels will come at the end of the world to pick the people whom God has chosen. Those people are no one but the  people who live like Salt and Light, shine to please and glorify God in everything  you can. Let the Lord Jesus give you power to stay like a salt and light in the world and let you be a blessings to others so that people who walk by your side should feel the power of God in you. Get prepared today to be like the Salt and Light. Amen

Think Godly. We must think mature in Godly, never to give-up on good things which pleases God. Christ Jesus is waiting for us to talk to him, he is ready to pour out the blessings upon us. We sometimes fail to reach him instead go on the other way out to find good life. Believe today that the blessings are yours, reach out to God to find ur awesome life. Amen