Saturday, 6 June 2015

God who Deliver

Hello Friends, 
I hope all my friends are doing good by the Grace of God, God bless you all. Okay now I love the picture and the word on it, isn't it a wonderful picture?. God created the world by doing amazing and unbelievable things, he was still doing while there were so many prophets and kings. Great miracles in the life of Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Solomon, Daniel and many more people who lived on earth. Even when Lord Jesus came to earth, there were an amazing spirit of God and Miracles on earth. Even when Jesus rised from death and was taken to heaven, there were apostles who performed miracles on earth in the name of Jesus. Everyone on earth wish for a miracle an amazing moment in there life and that's true, we really need a miracle. But we need to know in what we need a miracle, some wish they have a good house, an expensive car, a healthy life and many things which belong to earth. When we expect a miracle from God, it has to be a gain for others around us. At first we have to pray for poor for there needs, as the scriptures say "The kingdom belong to them", we clearly understand that praying and helping poor will lead us to heaven without a trail. When Lord Jesus came to earth he didn't born in a palace, and when Jesus went to preach the word. He was in seek for poor people, he healed them and took them closer, hugged them and forgive there sins. It is very important for us to understand how serious is to help poor people to get into heaven. He will deliver us when we pray for others, very importantly for poor. The God who delivered Abraham, Moses and Daniel, will surely deliver us. In Jesus name every chain will break and be delivered. Amen

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