Saturday, 20 June 2015

Cover yourself with Faith.

Hello Friends, 
I am doing Good and hope you all are doing good by the grace of God. As Christians we have to follow the commands that are provided by God and obey them as well. Few people are Christians but don't follow the commands of God, lose there Faith like a seed which fall on the rocky ground. We need to get the Faith which is needed to breakdown the meeting with Satan and concentrate on God. We are growing everyday, days are adding on and we are getting old. Even though we are old enough but we are young masters in God, cause we don't care about the worldly things but we care about the God who created us. Friends, who haven't encountered with God. You got to decide to get into the encounter with Jesus Christ son of God, so how will u find him?. The answer Is The Word of God. We need to be overwhelmed with the word of God and the Holy Spirit. We need to search for the Same Faith where in Abraham, Moses, Daniel, David, Paul, Joseph, Peter and many other God chosen prophets had. We should explore the Faith and find a blessings and favor which comes through Faith. 
God bless you all my wonderful friends, In Jesus name. Amen 😃

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Feed your Spirit.

Hello Friends, 
Here is a small encouraging message for us. 

Feed your Spirit : 

Jacob was promised by Laban that after
working for 7 years he would receive
as his bride but after the wedding night he
realized he was conned and instead of
he was given Leah. Before you receive
desire, sometimes you are given a
disappointment. Before you receive what
want, life may first give you what you don't
want. What do you do when life gives you a
Leah instead of a Rachel? What do you do
when men break their promises? What do
you do when people you trusted betray you
and breaks your heart? What do you do
you expected a big yes but life gives you a
cold No? Jacob never gave up, he never
complained, he did not become bitter but he
said, "I accept the situation but I will still
pursue my Rachel, I will go after what I
wanted at first" That is the attitude of a
winner. Make a decision not to give in to
disappointments but pursue the desires of
your life. Follow after your vision. Put the
Leah behind you and go after the Rachel!Be
blessed as you go after your Rachel.
Never give up keep PUSHing ( pray until something happens). 

Feed your spirit with blessing And hope upon the Lord Jesus. 

God bless you all abundantly, IN JESUS NAME. Amen 

Saturday, 6 June 2015

God who Deliver

Hello Friends, 
I hope all my friends are doing good by the Grace of God, God bless you all. Okay now I love the picture and the word on it, isn't it a wonderful picture?. God created the world by doing amazing and unbelievable things, he was still doing while there were so many prophets and kings. Great miracles in the life of Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Solomon, Daniel and many more people who lived on earth. Even when Lord Jesus came to earth, there were an amazing spirit of God and Miracles on earth. Even when Jesus rised from death and was taken to heaven, there were apostles who performed miracles on earth in the name of Jesus. Everyone on earth wish for a miracle an amazing moment in there life and that's true, we really need a miracle. But we need to know in what we need a miracle, some wish they have a good house, an expensive car, a healthy life and many things which belong to earth. When we expect a miracle from God, it has to be a gain for others around us. At first we have to pray for poor for there needs, as the scriptures say "The kingdom belong to them", we clearly understand that praying and helping poor will lead us to heaven without a trail. When Lord Jesus came to earth he didn't born in a palace, and when Jesus went to preach the word. He was in seek for poor people, he healed them and took them closer, hugged them and forgive there sins. It is very important for us to understand how serious is to help poor people to get into heaven. He will deliver us when we pray for others, very importantly for poor. The God who delivered Abraham, Moses and Daniel, will surely deliver us. In Jesus name every chain will break and be delivered. Amen

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Overcoming God

Hello Friends, 
Here is what I found the picture and the word of God in it, it is beautiful. And the content in it says the very true words which will save your life when you are lost. God said "I will never leave you nor forgave you" and also said "my grace is sufficient for you". So that is a promise from God for us, when he says it he will deliver it. Just think for a second, from the time we are born and till now. There are so many miracles and wonders which we have received from our Father JESUS, he clearly said "I know what I plan for you and your future". Jesus is assuring us that he will live with us until the very end of the world, yes the end will be soon and get prepared to meet the father who comes amazingly with a large crowd of angels to pick us up to heaven.Everyone who is facing bad times in there life, I tell you in Jesus name you will receive something good something which is unimaginable a very true blessings from God. Your bad times just disappears and good times make your life so happy like never you had. So keep calm and submit the situation to God, he is still with us as he promised. All we need to say is "Thank you Lord for your unconditional Love and I will never leave you cause you are my King". 
Boldly confess that "Jesus, maker of my destiny". 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Hug by God

Hello Friends, 
The love that never fails, the grace that is unstoppable, the blessing that is overflowing and the God who is with us forever Amen. Well, Make a step forward holding Faith in your hand when u r out of hope. Our Lord Jesus is with us I mean he is with us forever, Amen. If you want know whether if God is with you, touch your pulse so that says your alive today. Isn't that by the Grace of God? Yes it is, because when u see around the world there are people who are losing there lives in everyday life. And there is no point in living for the things in the world, when you lose your life and go to hell. God is giving us a new life everyday that's because he want us to change our life and live Holy. He gave his own life for us to forgive our sins because we should get into heaven, not only few in the world but every human must be in heaven. He is for us waiting to meet and bless us with unfailing love, we have our eternal life in Heaven. A hug from our Lord Jesus will make us so happy and that's we are in heaven, make sure you don't miss the love of God. 
Love of God, repeat it, Love of God. Amen :)