Monday, 25 January 2016

Preach the word of God.

Hello friends,

We need to open our minds for Jesus and preach the world that Jesus is coming back. Amen

Bible says : "… go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Bible also says : GO ye into ALL the world, and PREACH the GOSPEL to EVERY creature. " Mark 16:15

According to the above verse, you and I are personally responsible for the evangelization of planet Earth before the second coming of Jesus.

So what are you going to do today to see that purpose carried out?
The beautiful thing is, you don’t have to do it alone. God’s already promised – “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Carry that hope and the good news of Jesus Christ with you today.

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

God Is Love.

Hello friends,

God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them (1 John 4:16).

Yes! I say God is love because Gods love never fails.
I know people around you love you a lot and your parents does, your loved ones does.
But I say you the love which you find on earth is until you are alive on earth, The love is GOD is
everlasting. Amen

We need to concentrate on the Love of God which will lead us to a victorious living. Amen

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

We are the Body of Christ.

Hello friends,

Just wanted to say that we the Body of CHRIST.! Amen

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it (1 Corinthians 12:27).

The verse you just read comes from a letter the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church reminding them of a very important fact. The truth he shared with them still applies to us today ...

God has placed the parts of the human body – every one of them – just as He wanted them to be. We don’t get to choose. In the same way, God created the body of Christ. God has set every member in place as He desired them to be, and EVERY member is an indispensable, important part.

Remember today that you are part of the body of Christ and God has gifted you in a special way with a calling only you can fulfill!

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

Do not be afraid for the Lord Jesus is with us.

Hello my friends,

Hope you all are doing good and blessed. Amen

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6). 

Life can get hard, and it’s easy to get mired in feelings of insecurity, fear, doubt, anger and confusion. If we keep trying to preserve what only God can renew – ourselves – we will continue to struggle.

We will continue to feel worse about ourselves, and then we won’t be able to give anything to a lost and dying world around us.

But if we go to the source Himself, if we fill ourselves daily with His living Word and refreshing presence, guess what happens? Whatever we are struggling against begins to fade away and gets replaced by God’s love, joy, peace, kindness and hope.

Go to the source, Jesus Christ, today. Be refreshed in His love and grace, and then share it with a world that so desperately needs it. (- Christine Caine)

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Our Future is in the hands of God

Hello friends,

Our future is in the hands of God. Amen

God has promised : For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

We also see the promise of God here in Proverbs 3 : 15, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

So to get secure our future, we must obey Gods commandments and follow God.

If God has spoken a promise over your business, calling, ministry or life, then – even if it looks in the
natural as if His promise has expired – He will come through on His promises. Remember, He is FAITHFUL.

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul

God will open the door.

Hello friends,

Keep praying! :)

“These are the words of him who is holy and true … What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open” (Revelation 3:7).

You only have a short amount of time on this earth.

But as long as your heart is leaning into God, He can fast track anything. His Word says that He can open doors that no man can shut – promotion does not come from the north, south, east or west; it comes from God. And if God wants to set you somewhere at a specific time and place, He’ll do it.
Today, you need to know that if God has marketed you, you don’t need to be marketed by man.

You don’t need to come up with the greatest marketing campaign, because you’ve got the God of the universe on your side. He’s got the best GPS, and He knows where to find you when He wants to elevate you and put you in a specific place.

Choose to trust in Him alone, and you will end up in the perfect place at the perfect time!

God bless you my friends
Raju Paul

Joy comes in the morning.

Hello friends,

Yes, The statement in the image is absolutely true. Amen


 For his anger [endureth but] a moment; in his favour [is] life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy [cometh] in the morning. ... Psalms 30:5

Well! what does it means?
The answer is : God has created us with his own hands and he has put knowledge in us to know what is good and bad. Amen

God has created day and night, so every day we get busy in some or the other works and end up sleeping.

I firmly say that every morning is a new beginning, new world, new acceptance, new thoughts and a new life.
God breathes in us cause he wants us to live and want us to be victorious. Amen

The Joys comes in the morning, once we wake up and we really say that "Wow, here is the morning, lets start our day."
I say start your day with Jesus, while you open your eyes in the morning from a deep sleep. say "Lord Jesus, I want to start my day with you and take control over this day."

Focus on the current day!

God bless you all my friends,
Raju Paul

Change me oh Lord

Hello friends,

Changing is something which is important in our life, we cannot live the same and we need a change in everything. We always focus on the things which is in the next level, if we want to change. We need to seek God first. Amen

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

If you can change your posture, then you can change your perspective.

We really want to get that truth deep down in our heart.

When you begin to see as God sees, you start to view life not as problems trying to catch you, but as obstacles waiting to be overcome by the power of Jesus.

I think that a lot of times we wait for everything to change around us before we’re willing to stand up in the middle of where we are and start to have God’s perspective in our lives.

Live today seeking His heavenly perspective.

God bless you my friends,
Raju Paul