Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Joy comes in the morning.

Hello friends,

Yes, The statement in the image is absolutely true. Amen


 For his anger [endureth but] a moment; in his favour [is] life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy [cometh] in the morning. ... Psalms 30:5

Well! what does it means?
The answer is : God has created us with his own hands and he has put knowledge in us to know what is good and bad. Amen

God has created day and night, so every day we get busy in some or the other works and end up sleeping.

I firmly say that every morning is a new beginning, new world, new acceptance, new thoughts and a new life.
God breathes in us cause he wants us to live and want us to be victorious. Amen

The Joys comes in the morning, once we wake up and we really say that "Wow, here is the morning, lets start our day."
I say start your day with Jesus, while you open your eyes in the morning from a deep sleep. say "Lord Jesus, I want to start my day with you and take control over this day."

Focus on the current day!

God bless you all my friends,
Raju Paul

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